Warnings about armed IRS and issues to come

Warnings about armed IRS and issues to come
Photo by Colin Lloyd / Unsplash

Federal agencies with seemingly straightforward mandates often have a broader scope of responsibilities than expected. For example, the Secret Service's role goes beyond protecting public figures, as they also investigate counterfeiting. Similarly, the Agriculture Department oversees the food-stamp program, and the IRS is responsible for enforcing the tax code, which includes the use of an archaic, complex paper-based system to track tax returns.

The IRS's enforcement arm, known as the criminal investigation unit, is tasked with investigating potential criminal violations of the tax code and related financial crimes. The agency's recent job posting for this unit caused a stir, particularly on the right, due to its direct description of the job duties. The original post stated that those hired would carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force if necessary. While carrying a firearm is a standard part of police work, it is not usually highlighted in job applications, and the idea of the IRS using deadly force sparked a strong reaction.